- Kissing Books
- Red Hot
- Honey Buns
- Zero Forks
- Undercover Santa
- Mister Naughty
- Dog Days
- Bad Decisions
- The Mudville Collection Volume 1
- The Mudville Collection Volume 2
- The Mudville Collection (Complete)
- Cadaver Lab: A Romantic Comedy…with Corpses
- Cadaver Lab 2: Ghostly Hearts & Body Parts
- Cadaver Lab 3: Spirited Shenanigans
“...the [unresolved sexual tension] between this pair leaps off the pages.” Janeane, BJ’s Book Blog
He's a hot farmer with commitment issues. She's been in his friend zone since kindergarten. It'll take a little Mudville crazy to knock them out of their comfort zone...
In first grade, I teased her relentlessly. In fifth, when I realized girls might be good for more than torturing, she was my first real crush. And by the end of tenth grade, when her braces came off, the curves filled in and she figured out how to tame that mop of red hair, I was completely in lust with Red Meyer.
That didn't mean I stopped teasing her every chance I got. It was our way of communicating. But Red gave back as good as she got. It was one of the things I liked best about her.
Ten years later we were still "communicating" through jabs and jests and I was happy with our relationship. Then it happened. Carson Bekker, Mudville's own deputy sheriff, asked Red to dinner. And she said yes.
I'd always planned on getting around to asking her out myself, one day, when I was ready to settle down. I figured I had time. Amazingly I, Cash Morgan, was wrong. That doesn't happen often but it sure did this time.
Carson swooped right in and walked all over my unspoken claim on Red. Now I have to up my game before it's too late.
That's fine. I know her better than he does. Better than anybody.  She's not going to fall for dinner dates or flowers. That's not Red.
What is? What am I going to do to win her back? I can't exactly tell you that, since it might involve my stealing some livestock for her.  I can't ever let that boy scout of a deputy sheriff know about that.
But l do look forward to rubbing it in Carson's face when I apprehend the petty thief plaguing Red's shop before Mudville law enforcement does. And oh boy howdy is Red going to love me after that. As I said, Red is an unconventional woman. It's what I love about her. I just have to get up the nerve to tell her...
It figures . . . I went my whole adult life with a crush on Cashel Morgan. Since we both graduated from Mudville High—Go, Hogs! But I never got out of the friend zone with him. Until now. More than a decade after graduation.
And why is Cash interested in something more now when he never was before? That’s the most annoying, frustrating, exasperating, ridiculous part. It’s all because another guy asked me on a date.
No doubt about it, Cash Morgan is going to drive me insane, if I’m not already there. Because in the middle of my personal drama in what was formerly a non-existent love life is the fact something wonky is happening at my store. Things going missing. Things being moved.
My friend Harper thinks it’s a ghost. Our friend Bethany thinks I’m just forgetful.
I’m not sure what I think—about any of it. The strange happenings in my shop. My date with the hot deputy investigating the oddities in my store. And especially not Cash.
All I know is that with all the craziness that’s happened around Mudville over the past six months, starting with Harper moving to town and her discovery of all the town’s secrets stashed in Agnes’s attic, we’d all better start to expect the unexpected.
Welcome back to Mudville!
If you read KISSING BOOKS, you've already met Red, the sweet and sassy red headed Main Street shop owner and Mudville native who befriends Harper, the city girl misplaced in a small town upstate.
RED HOT is a laugh-out-loud romp through the small town of Mudville featuring a love triangle one overworked shopkeeper never expected or wanted, a middle sibling who discovers he might possibly love someone else more than he loves himself, a mystery involving a very coveted missing cape, an estate sale full of clues, a surprise stranger—or two—no one saw coming, the quirky Mudville characters you’ve come to love, and some of the most adorable baby animals ever.
If you want more of Red, Bethany and Harper, and especially Cashel Morgan, one of the three hot brothers from Morgan Farm you met in Kissing Books, don't miss this steamy standalone laugh-out-loud read!
Illustrated Cover Paperback on Amazon
Hot Guy Cover Paperback on Barnes & Noble
Cash clicked a few keys on the computer in the back office and suddenly a window for each of the three floors of Red’s Resale popped onto the screen. “You can get an overall view of all the cameras at once, or you can zoom in on just one.”
I knew he was cute. I also knew he was cocky and full of himself. What I had not known was that Cash was secretly a computer whiz. At least, far better at this kind of stuff than I was.
“It will record and store twenty-four hours of video with the free service. But if you want more than that, they have an annual paid service that gives you thirty-days of cloud storage,” he continued his tutorial.
I shook my head. “Who knew?”
Cash cocked one light brown brow high above his hazel eyes. “I would think you would have. You bought them.”
“They were on special online last Black Friday. The price was so good I just clicked to buy them.” I lifted one shoulder.
READ MORE“Ah.” He looked mildly amused at my impulse purchase.
Happy he’d accepted my explanation and hadn’t even criticized it, I moved on. “I don’t know how to thank you. This is really amazing.”
“It wasn’t all that hard. If you’d known your WiFi password I’d have been done an hour ago.”
There was the classic Cashel Morgan criticism I’d come to know and love over the years. Or at least know. Love, not so much.
“Hey, I found the sticky note,” I defended. Eventually.
“You did.” He nodded.
I didn’t miss how his gaze dropped to take in the drawer I’d pulled apart to look for said sticky note. The contents were now all over the floor of my office.
Subtly I took a step to the side to hide the worst of the mess . . . and stepped on a pen. It sent my foot sliding on the cylindrical obstacle, like wearing roller skates indoors. I toppled forward and landed face down across Cash’s lap where he sat in my desk chair.
I dared to glance up and saw the amused expression on his face as he asked, “You okay?”
“Yeah. Sorry.”
He shook his head, his gaze taking in my prone position, including my gluteus maximus right there in front of him. “I’m not complaining.”
COLLAPSEBianca on BJ's Book Blog wrote:What a wonderful, sweet and sexy story is Red Hot.
I adored Red in Harper and Stone's story, and now she is dancing around things with Cash, and phew *fanning myself* the UST [Unresolved Sexual Tension] between this pair leaps off the pages...
I freaking love Cash...
Great small town feel...
BMHercule on Bookbub wrote:RED HOT was an adorable + funny + sweet + heartbreaking small town love story! Run to your nearest amazon for your own Cash - this one is MINE!
Mystery, secrets and the fine Morgan brothers makes this a must read story and series.
3 thoughts on “Red Hot”
This author is the best I just love her books they are well written and. Easy to sink into unfortunately I spend my day reading them and not getting anything done thanks for the story’s i just love them
LOL Sorry about that!! But I am so glad you enjoy my books.
So totally love your books, especially military, but I suppose I’ll take a cowboy too if I have too, LOL
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