Down the Rabbit Hole: Avoiding the Slippery Slope

It seems as if, like Alice, we’ve all slipped down the rabbit hole into a world that is less Wonderland and more WTF-land. In the year 2012, politicians are on TV actually discussing the legalities of birth control, even as banks are telling legal adults what we can and can’t sell and buy for our own personal use. It’s surreal. It’s frightening. It’s angering (if that is even a word). It’s a slippery slope I don’t want to go down. So what can we do? Mark Coker, the owner of Smashwords, explains the situation better than I can in his email to indie publishers, which I have pasted below. He outlines steps we can all take to make sure we don’t go down that rabbit hole and find ourselves in a place we don’t want to be….     PAYPAL CENSORSHIP UPDATE ________________________________________ In case you haven’t heard, about two weeks ago, PayPal contacted Smashwords andย  gave us a surprise ultimatum: Remove all titles containing bestiality, rapeย  or incest, otherwise they threatened to deactivate our PayPal account. We engagedย  them in discussions and on Monday they gave us a temporary reprieve as we continueย  to work in good faith to […]