The Games Facebook Plays

I’m taking time away from my works-in-progress to write this public service announcement, mainly because I’m pissed as hell. I think both writers, and readers will agree with me. I’ve suspected it for awhile, and observation has proven it, but now, it seems to have reached an all new level. I’m talking about Facebook’s practices, and though it sounds melodramatic, its greed. Here’s what I’m talking about. On PAGES, not personal profiles, but those pages that you can LIKE rather than FRIEND, Facebook likes to encourage the page owner to spend money to make sure the page’s posts are seen in their follower’s News Feeds. I’ve noticed that posts with a LINK in them get hidden from view unless I promote them and pay Facebook to show them in News Feeds, whereas status posts with no link don’t. Take a look at the two screenshots below and you will see a glaring example of this. The post where I shared the link to a blog which will lead outside of Facebook has 1 VIEW over an hour.     While I was there sharing the link shown above, I had also posted just a normal status update. As you can […]