Tools of My Trade – Bonus Day! Pic Collage

It’s not because I’m procrastinating and this newest work in progress (WiP) is kicking my ass…much. It’s mostly because I discovered something new last night I love, love, LOVE! I wanted to throw together a quick header for my FB page because I was jealous of some of my fellow authors’ headers. I put away the MAC and booted up the 6 year old, slow as a slug PC (because my only copy of Photoshop lives on the PC). I watched the PC install updates to Windows XP for a solid hour or more, then didn’t have the energy left at 9PM to open Photoshop on it and create a header. And besides, Bunheads was on ABCFamily channel. So during the commercials of the show, I picked up the iPad and starting scrolling through the App Store, and lo and behold, look what I found!!!

Pic Collage is fun, free and freaking amazing! I did the below header during a commercial break, I swear! It’s kind of like photoshop for first graders. You’re limited in the bells and whistles, but the basic functionality is there. I see myself using this to create digital vacation photo albums. Just set a fun beachy pic as the background. Add some photos of you and your family onto it, resize, rotate, move with just a fingertip. Maybe add some text like “JONES BEACH 2012” and maybe even plop on a few stickers for fun. Viola!

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