When you love somebody…

When you love somebody, let the whole world know.

Being self-centered (I blame it on the fact I’m an only child), I’m talking specifically here about readers and authors. Love an author? Leave them a written review on Amazon, or Barnes & Noble or Borders or AllRomanceΒ for the books of theirs that you have read. Hell, even if you love their written voice and their other books but didn’t particularly care for this one certain book, write that too. That’s perfectly fine.

Honest, well thought-out, intelligent reader reviews are always welcomed by any author. Tastes are subjective. I refuse to drink Diet Pepsi but love Diet Coke. Half of the world probably feels the exact opposite. The same goes for books. As long as the reader explains what they did or did not like about a particular book then everyone can benefit from the review–the author, other potential readers and the reviewer themselves.

So when you love something, don’t set it free like that old saying goes. Review it instead!

Oooo and I almost forgot. I just posted the first three complete chapters of Educating Ansley as a free sample. HERE

2 thoughts on “When you love somebody…

  1. Finally read Educating Ansley, I loved it. The end had me laughing out loud. Is their story going to continue or will their be new characters in the next Red series?

  2. Thanks, Heather. I’m so glad you liked it!

    The next book in the works for the RED line has new characters and a totally different storyline but I’ve had a lot of requests for more about Ansley and the boys so I may have to come up with some sort of followup/sequel.

    Thanks for commenting!

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