May 2013 Stars & Stripes Calendar Wallpaper

Happy May Day and time for a new edition of the monthly desktop calendar wallpaper!

This month’s design was inspired by Memorial Day and the May 7th paperback release of my military Red, Hot & Blue series novel A FEW GOOD MEN. What is most special is that the background image of the US flag through the camo netting was taken by one of my military consultants upon arrival at his new camp in Djibouti way back in 2006. I love that picture and am honored to share it with all of you.

May Calendar Desktop Wallpaper 1024x640

As usual, there are sizes that will hopefully fit both your widescreen or standard screen computer. Enjoy and feel free to share with your friends!

1024 x 640

1024 x 768

800 x 500

800 x 640

1152 x 720

1280 x 1040

1440 x 900

On a side note, I am currently in Kansas City, MO for the Romantic Times 30th Anniversary Booklovers Convention. If you’re there with me, find me! If you’re not, might want to keep an eye out for drunken social media posts, because we all know that what happens at the convention…ends up on Facebook. đŸ™‚