- Night with a SEAL
- Saved by a SEAL
- SEALed at Midnight
- Kissed by a SEAL
- Protected by a SEAL
- Loved by a SEAL
- Tempted by a SEAL
- Wed to a SEAL
- Romanced by a SEAL
- Rescued by a Hot SEAL
- Escape with a Hot SEAL
- Matched with a Hot SEAL
- Betting on a Hot SEAL
- SEAL the Deal
- Hot SEAL in Hollywood
- Desire in D.C.
- Hot SEALs Complete Series Collection
- Nacht mit einem SEAL
- Saved by a SEAL: Portuguese #2
- Night with a SEAL: Portuguese #1
"Another amazing SEAL romance by Cat Johnson!!" BJ's Book Blog
Boys will be boys, especially in Vegas, and no one parties like a team of SEALs with a night’s liberty . . .
Navy SEAL Craig Dawson is ordered to protect a sexy older college professor in the war zone, which would be fine if she weren't the woman he'd kissed on a dare during the team's liberty in Vegas!
eBook | Paperback | Audiobook
“Hey. Looks like the show is letting out.” Tompkins tipped his chin toward the public area outside the bar.
Craig twisted to look in the direction Tompkins had indicated and saw a steady stream of women being funneled between the slot machines and the brass rail that delineated the confines of the bar where they sat.
All chatty and animated, the women certainly looked as if they’d just been to the show in the theater located farther down this end of the building.
He turned back to face the table and said, “Doesn’t mean they’ll come in here.”
“Oh, no?” Tompkins grinned. “Look again.”
READ MORECraig didn’t have to turn again and look to realize what Tompkins said was correct. The noise level around him had suddenly increased by a few decibels and it had a distinct feminine sound to it. Giggles. Squeals. And lots of scraping and shuffling as the ladies moved available chairs to empty tables, trying to create a spot of their own in the crowded bar.
He was glad the other guys had arrived early and claimed this area. From here they could observe everything happening from their out of the way corner.
“So, let’s get down to it.” Tompkins slapped a dime on the table and looked around at everyone seated there. “Dare for a Dime.”
Craig lifted a brow. “Two hours ago you were trying to bet me a hundred dollars to eat a pizza. Now it’s a dime? What happened? You lose all your money at one of the craps tables while I was in the men’s room?”
Fitz let out a laugh. “That’s very possible, I’m sure. But no, not in this case. Dare for a Dime is a team tradition. A game we play whenever we’re out drinking.”
“Sounds great.” Laughing, Craig rolled his eyes.
A dime wouldn’t get much nowadays. He was pretty sure even gumball machines took quarters.
“Tompkins has the dime so he gets to choose the man and set the dare,” Fitz explained. “Then, the guy who completes the dare gets the dime and the power to dare someone else.”
Craig still wasn’t all that impressed with the game. He supposed that showed in his expression since Clyde shook his head and said, “You gotta understand. It’s not the value of the dime—”
“It’s the valor of the dare,” Fitz finished for his teammate.
“Exactly.” Tompkins nodded and pushed the dime toward Craig. “So you’re up, Dawson. This dare is yours.”
Knowing Tompkins, Craig was a little concerned over what this dare might entail.
He really should have sucked it up and gone out with the guys from his own unit. They were out for an insanely expensive steak dinner at the restaurant inside The Palms. He couldn’t bring himself to drop that much cash for a piece of steak he could probably grill better himself at home.
Now it seemed his frugality was going to cost him in other ways, unless he could get out of this dare.
He eyed the dime and grasped at his one chance for escape. “It’s your team tradition. You guys should play. I don’t want to butt in.”
Clyde grinned and slid the dime closer to Craig. “Good try, kid, but no go. This one is all yours.”
Now they were calling him kid too. He stifled a sigh regretting his choice to join them even more.
“And remember that after you complete your challenge, you get to choose the dare and the man,” Fitz reminded.
It might be worth it just to get revenge on Tompkins and teach him a lesson . . . if Craig could come up with a suitable challenge as punishment. He’d have to think about it, but until then he had a dare to complete.
Craig sighed and glanced toward Tompkins. “All right. Shoot. What’s the dare?”
Tompkins grinned so wide Craig had to wonder if he’d just made a huge mistake.