Hot SEAL, Under Pressure

"off the charts" 5 Stars

Navy SEAL Stefan Kowalski is stubborn, cocky, obnoxious and entirely too full of himself. He's as annoying as he is attractive and he knows it... and Shelly Laurens has to work with him, and smile for the camera while doing it, or risk losing her career.

Stefan thought he knew pressure until he was coerced into doing a reality show that pairs Navy SEALs with civilians in a no-holds-barred contest. He'll be damned if he'll be bested by the competition even if Shelly, the sexy but ridiculous female civilian he's been paired with, is hopeless at all the skills they need to win. And even if there's no chance in hell they'll be able to make it to the end without giving in to their attraction.

ALSO IN PAPERBACK (bundled with Hot SEAL, Cold Water)

Paperback with the Illustrated Alternate Cover



Under Pressure Alternate Cover Paperback

Paperback with original hot guy cover


Barnes & Noble



It didn’t matter which SEAL they got. They were all in amazing shape. They’d look great on camera. And the faster the SEAL they chose was, the more likely he would spur the other contestants into being more competitive, which made good television.

“As long as it’s not that guy I had that fight with. The one who refused to sign,” she added as she sat and pulled out the stack of releases from her file to hand to him.

Remembering the argument she’d gotten into with the SEAL who’d refused to sign the release had her blood pressure rising all over again.

She’d tried to explain to him how they’d have to blur out his face in every shot he was in if he didn’t sign, but he didn’t seem to care. 

Selfish ass.

All his friends were thrilled. They all wanted to know more about the show so they could make sure to watch for it.


But not Mister Obnoxious.

She glanced up and saw the strange expression on Jonas’s face. “He was the fastest one.”

Shelly let out a snort. Having the obnoxious one on set would make her already difficult job harder. “Who was the second best?”

“The second best?” He raised his brows.

“Yeah. Do you know?” she asked.

He flipped through the stack of release forms in his hand before he nodded. “Ty Hogan came in second.”

“Which one was he?” she asked pawing through her memory of that action filled day.

“About thirty. Dark hair. Green eyes. The other guys called him Flirt.”

“Yes. I remember him. The one with the dimples. Perfect. Get him.”

The camera would love him. The females on the set sure did.

Jonas looked less impressed with her choice but said, “Okay. If that’s what you want.”

“Yes. That’s exactly what I want,” she said definitively.

What was the difference between running the obstacle course in six minutes or seven minutes or whatever to the viewing public?

Besides, only an insane person would willingly choose to work with—enter into a contract with—the man who refused to even sign a simple consent form. 

From that first moment she’d laid eyes on the hard-headed, hard-bodied man she knew he was trouble. That was proven when he’d muscled his way onto that obstacle course. When he’d demanded he go first even though they had permission to film there and were clearly set up to begin. 

Karma was real. Because of all his faults, his behavior, his actions, that obnoxious SEAL had just lost himself an amazing opportunity. 

The privilege, and the money that came with being on Under Pressure, would now pass to his teammate. A teammate who was slower than he had been. 

That would probably drive him crazy. Good. With a smile Shelly turned back to her computer screen. She had work to do.

Going through pictures and profiles of hot women to find one more for the show’s team was probably a task Jonas would have enjoyed. And she would have gladly given it to him, but it seemed he knew more about military protocol than she did.

He was clearly more valuable dealing with that aspect. She’d just whip through these applicants. It wouldn’t be hard. Today she was going to make one woman who’d been devastated at the thought she’d been passed over for the show very happy. 

Shelly couldn’t understand that desperation to be on camera herself. To be internet famous. To have your life play out in public. 

Even after all her research for the show and knowing the horrors of SEAL training, she’d still rather go through BUD/S Hell Week than be in front of the camera for one of the reality shows produced by the company she’d hung her career on—dedicated her life to—but that was just her.

Thankfully, there were plenty of people lining up for a spot.

She was currently scrolling through those people when Jonas rushed over.

“Joanne wants you.” His breathlessly gasped message had her swiveling her desk chair to face him.

“Okay…” She frowned, concerned. His tightly pressed lips and lifted brows didn’t bode well. “What’s wrong?”

“You’d just better come and talk to her yourself.” Jonas’s grim countenance was scaring her. 

Was the footage they’d been counting on editing into the first show that bad that Joanne decided they couldn’t use it? Or, worse, was it missing completely? Deleted by accident or something equally horrifying.

Anguished at the possibilities, she bolted from the chair. 

Pushing past Jonas, she rushed out of her door and then realized she wasn’t sure where Joanne was. Only that she wasn’t here.

She spun to look back at Jonas, only to find him hot on her heels. 

“Where is she?” she asked, as she started walking again toward the other side of the office.

“Editing,” he supplied, keeping pace with her.

With a destination, she strode faster, making a beeline to the closed door of the room where the editors worked. Busting through the doorway, she swept the room with her gaze.

The editor was seated as Joanne stood over her shoulder. Both were focused on the screen until Joanne pivoted to glance back.

Her smile as she looked at Shelly didn’t make sense. It wasn’t a friendly, welcoming smile. Or even a forced, fake smile.

It was the self-satisfied smile of someone who had solidified a scheme. The smile of the Joker as he birthed a plot to beat Batman. The Grinch as he envisioned his evil plan against Whoville.

And Joanne was aiming that smile at Shelly. A straight shot. She felt the direct hit.

“You asked for me?” she managed to ask, her heart thundering so hard it made her light-headed.

“Yes, I did.” The smile spread, making Joanne look even more menacing than before.

She resisted the urge to take a step backward.

“I saw what you filmed yesterday. The teams on the O-Course for B-roll.” 

The O-Course. Ever since Joanne had started dating a SEAL, she’d begun to sound like one. 

“Okay.” Shelly nodded, waiting.

“We found our eighth team.”

“We did? Okay. Which guy?” Relieved that it was just that Joanne had found a SEAL that tickled her fancy, Shelly took a step closer to the monitor.

“Him.” Joanne tapped one manicured nail on the display. 

Shelly’s hopes sank as the SEAL she singled out was the thorn in her side. Mister Obnoxious. The one SEAL who hadn’t signed a release. The one the editor should have been blurring out.

She was about to explain the difficulty with Joanne’s decision when Joanne turned back to her and said, “And you.”

Shelly frowned. “Excuse me?”

“You and him. That’s our eighth team.”

Her eyes widened. “Me?