Protected by a SEAL #HotSEALs Sneak Peek Excerpt

Protected by a SEAL (Hot SEALs) Cat Johnson Some days former SEAL Rick Mann doesn’t know who he hates more, spoiled actress Sierra Cox who he’s tasked with protecting, or the man trying to kill her. But there’s only one of the two he wants to take to bed. CHAPTER ONE EXCERPT As he raised the beer bottle to his lips, Rick Mann heard it, but he didn’t believe it. At least, he didn’t want to believe it. The sound invading his peace and quiet was enough to ruin his enjoyment of even his favorite brand of icy cold brew. He lowered the bottle without taking a sip and smothered a cuss. Nope. That was not the banging of the headboard against the wall of his sister’s bedroom. Again. For the second time in as many hours. Definitely. Not. Rick closed his eyes and did his best to believe his own lie, but it wasn’t going to work. No matter how hard he tried and willed it to be so, the fact remained he was hearing something no brother should be forced to listen to—his best friend in bed with his sister. It was his own fault, he supposed. Rick […]

Hot SEALs Kindle Worlds 101

Cat Johnson’s Hot SEALs are coming to Amazon’s Kindle Worlds! What does that mean? Here’s a quick explanation… CAT JOHNSON’S HOT SEALS ON KINDLE WORLDS On August 4, 2015, Cat Johnson’s Hot SEALs Kindle World will officially launch. Authors will be able to write, upload and sell their original stories written within the Hot SEALs Kindle Worlds guidelines and readers get to enjoy even more Hot SEALs stories contributed by some of their favorite authors or by writers who are new to them. The all-star line-up of #HotSEALsKW launch authors includes: Delilah Devlin, Marissa Dobson, Geri Foster, Desiree Holt, Kennedy Layne, Elle James, Olivia Jaymes, J.M. Madden, Becky McGraw, Donna Michaels, Siobhan Muir, Susan Stoker, Paige Tyler and Sabrina York. WHAT IS KINDLE WORLDS? To answer that we first must discuss the concept of FAN FICTION, which is the tradition of fans (of television, comics, and literature) penning their own stories in their favorite fictional worlds. They write for their own satisfaction and to share their words with fellow fans of the worlds in which they are writing, on their blog or on dedicated fan fiction websites. The most famous fan fiction story is of course by E.L. James who originally wrote 50 Shades of Grey […]

Download July 2015 Calendar Desktop Wallpaper #HotSEALs

My free downloadable July 2015 Calendar Desktop Wallpaper is inspired by my July Hot SEALs series new release, PROTECTED BY A SEAL. I’ve gotten many a message and email requesting this, so here it is… Rick Mann finally gets his story in this novel. Even my Audible Audiobook narrator, Craig Jessen, emailed and said, “Yay! I was hoping it was Rick.” 🙂 Grab this month’s seasonal summer desktop decor for yourself and feel free to share with friends, and look for Rick’s story in eBook and Paperback to release wide July 21st, though it is on preorder at select vendors now. Next up in the Hot SEALs line-up–Brody Cassidy in Loved by a SEAL (coming in eBook & paperback this September). As usual, the wallpaper is available with a calendar page or without. Enjoy! DOWNLOAD WITH NO CALENDAR DOWNLOAD WITH JULY 2015 CALENDAR MORE ABOUT THE NEW RELEASE: PROTECTED BY A SEAL (HOT SEALs) As a Navy SEAL, Rick Mann fought his way to hell and back, but he’s never faced a challenge quite like protecting Sierra Cox. She’s spoiled, she’s annoying. . . and he’s never wanted a woman more. That’s a problem for so many reasons. At the top of that […]