A Day in the Life: a tribute to my men in uniform

OLD POSTS NEED LOVE TOO… HERE’S ONE FROM 5 YEARS AGO! ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED NOV. 9, 2013 “Today, on a military base (which I shall not name) located somewhere in the Helmand province of Afghanistan, this is happening… The weather was cooler today, ranging from a high in the upper 60s to a low in the 50s, but it was dry. It will get much colder in about a month. This means breaking out winter gear for the troops, but that’s okay, because colder weather also means fighting season is coming to a close for this year. Considering there is a troop drawdown in place, fighting and attacks still occur too frequently for my liking. I know in real time when an attack or a casualty has occurred. How? All external communications are cut, and my personal daily communications with my consultants halt abruptly and stay dark for hours. In fact, just yesterday there was some excitement, which I can’t talk about. There are a lot of things I can’t write here, so let’s move on to what I can. Tonight for dinner the main line in the chow hall served rotisserie chicken, baked trout, steamed white rice, baked potatoes, broccoli, […]

Barnes and Noble and the Case of the Stolen Nook

Just when you thought it was safe…Β BAM! more WTF-ery hits but this time, it’s not so bad for me because you know any publicity is good publicity. πŸ˜‰ So here is the PDF to explain what I’m talking about. Barnes and Noble and the case of the stolen Nook FYI, the post on the Barnes and Noble Book Blog went up and was removed within about an hour on Friday night, but not before the romance community exploded all over Twitter and Facebook about it. But we all know things on the internet can never totally disappear, now can they…

July 19th Week In Review – Books and Bologna

YES, JOSEPH’S FRIED BOLOGNA IS REAL! Yesterday a reader in Oklahoma reported being stopped in a store and questioned where she got the Joseph’s Fine Foods shirt she was wearing. The women said to her, “Do you know that’s mentioned in a romance novel?” My reader said, “You don’t say? And I’m sure the author Cat Johnson and the owners of Joseph’s will be very happy you recognized the name.” Which is when the reader exclaimed, “It’s real? We thought it was a fictional restaurant.” After a good laugh, my reader explained it was very real, and just down the road. She gave them directions, told them to try the bologna sandwich and if they were lucky, there might be some cool swag there too. The women explained they were from Enid, OK and were here in the Stillwater/Drumright area for the night. They had just read my ONE NIGHT WITH A COWBOY, and loved it, and had every intention of hitting up Joseph’s today before they leave for home. How freaking cool is that?!? The power of the promo ‘ho is strange. And this truth is stranger than fiction moment wins as my OMG Moment of the Week. On […]