Unridden Rated Orgasmic by Just Erotic Romance Reviews
You can’t please everyone. That is what I tell myself anyway. Then, sometimes, a reader or a reviewer really gets it. T. S. Peters from Just Erotic Romance Reviews really got UNRIDDEN. This reviewer got Jenna the heroine, as well as the hero and the story, which means more than I can say because so much of me is in Jenna. The mediocre writer whose career is dictated by forces outside of her control, who takes reviews and criticism too much to heart, who’s been more than once forced to turn to strangers for help only to have them turn into more in her life. The review is very long but more than worth the read, however I believe fair use laws only allow me to paste a bit of it here, not the entire thing. It can be found in full now in the JERR Newsletter (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/justeroticromancereviewsnewsletter/) available at their Yahoo group. It will eventually be posted at the JERR website, though there is usually a bit of a lag. (justeroticromancereviews.com) JERR REVIEW SNIPPET FOR UNRIDDEN (STUDS IN SPURS, BOOK 1) “This is a story about an erotic romance author whose reviewers and agents tell her that her writing […]