August 2017 Desktop Calendar Wallpaper

Where did July go?! It went by so fast, between the new release of Escape with a Hot SEAL and the reveal of the next Hot SEALs romance, Matched with a Hot SEAL. And now it’s time for the new August wallpaper, which is a nod to love and romance. Download it with or without the August 2017 calendar page and feel free to share. So what’s up for August in my world? I’m heading to Canada for Romancing the Capital and even though the 3 day event is sold out, the big BOOK SIGNING on Saturday August 5th is FREE and OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. So if you’re driving distance to Ottawa and up for a road trip, check out the details HERE. DOWNLOAD AUGUST CALENDAR WALLPAPER DOWNLOAD LOVE WALLPAPER (NO CALENDAR)

Reader Beware : How to Spot a Book Thief

Warning! Please Share. There has been a rash of fake publishers opening iBooks accounts, stealing our books and selling them there. Duplicate listings that are almost indistinguishable from the real listing. ALMOST indistinguishable… please look at the below pictures. One listing is real and lists CAT JOHNSON as the publisher/seller. The other is the stolen duplicate and lists the scammer ROYAL HOUSE PRESS as the publisher/seller. A way to spot a scam copy is if you see two listings of the same ebook for sale at the same vendor. In this case, a search on iBooks yielded 2 copies of the same title. I had to open each of the listings and look for the Publisher/Seller names to find only one was mine and one was a stolen copy. I have contacted iBooks’ legal department however these scammers are like playing whack-a-mole. You shut down one and another pops up almost immediately so please BE AWARE. Do not buy from them by mistake. And if you see a duplicate listing for any of your favorite authors, let them know!  Consumer awareness is the best way to fight this. UPDATE! I’d like to thank iBooks (both the rep and the legal department) […]

It’s a #HotSEALs Cover Reveal – Matched with a Hot SEAL

The next standalone Hot SEALs romance… Matched with a Hot SEAL When computer guru Will Weber puts the fate of his love life in the hands of a dating app and his teammates, he learns what real terror feels like. AND NOW FOR WHAT YOU’VE BEEN WAITING FOR!! THE BIG REVEAL! Meet Hot SEALs Will Weber! Preorder Now for Oct 10th eBook/Paperback Delivery iBooks Kobo Amazon Google Play Barnes & Noble While you’re waiting catch up with the rest of the Hot SEALs HERE! And don’t forget Tuesday is Hot SEALs New Release Day!