October 2018 Desktop Calendar Wallpaper

My October 2018 wallpaper features the iconic Hollywood sign. Why? Because I’m currently working on HOT SEAL IN HOLLYWOOD (Hot SEALs Series). Don’t rush to look for a preorder link. There’s no preorder up yet. There’s also no cover up yet either. But don’t worry! I’ll have a big cover reveal and shout from the rooftops when the links are up and when the book releases. I’m getting this out in late October so keep an eye peeled for the news. And of course, if you want to make sure you don’t miss it, sign up for my newsletter OR for a new release text message to your cell OR for a new release Facebook Message. That way you’ll never miss a thing. GET NEWS And now for the wallpaper. I love this view from BEHIND the Hollywood sign. So different and pretty. DOWNLOAD