Working Writers

I always learn so much from the authors I interview on the radio show that it amazes me. One thing I am still trying to internalize, something other writers have already achieved, is accepting other people’s opinions of what I do. I’ve said it before and I’m sure I’ll say it again, I love my job as a romance writer as much as I hate it. I love the creativity, the positive feedback, the freedom and the people I meet. I hate the negative feedback, the arbitrary nature of the biz and the judgment I often receive because what I write is not “important”. Hell, I know that I’m not penning great literature, but what I am writing is something that might just help the reader escape for a little while. If I make that reader laugh, or smile, or forget the laundry, or economy, or heartbreak of the real world then who cares if I haven’t written the next Oprah bookclub pick? I liken it to this… how many times can you watch Schindler’s List before you need a break from the drama with a little Mel Brooks? There is room in this world for both. I always feel […]

Everyone loves a soldier…

I’ve had this fantasy since I began seriously writing romance in 2006. I’ve always wanted to walk through an airport and see a traveler reading one of my books, like I always see them reading James Patterson, or whatever the current, hot new bestselling release is (according to the NY Times). Well last night, the soldier kind of made my dreams come true. My Army consultant is stateside for leadership training and…this is amazing, I still can’t believe it…while flying to Fort Benning in Georgia, he saw a woman reading my book in the airport! It was the first one he helped me write back in 2007, A Few Good Men, while he was a tank commander in Ramadi and I started seriously penning real life military missions into my romantic fiction, thanks to him. He told the woman he knew me, and that I support his platoon, but he didn’t tell her he helped me, that the missions in the book were actually his. He didn’t think she’d believe him. I reminded him that his name is most likely in the dedication, but always a man of mystery, Sean wanted her to figure it out for herself. And actually, […]

What’s up? The final round robin is!

What have I been doing? Nothing I’m prepared to talk about right now. Mysterious, aren’t I? Not really, just holding in the rant for now. However, I can tell you this… Remember that Round Robin I was in last month? Well she finally posted the LAST installment today and guess who wrote it?? That’s right, I had the fun (snort, yeah, fun) of wrapping up the many, many loose ends and dead ends and tangled ends that the other authors left me. Here’s the link. Romance in the Backseat On another note, UNRIDDEN is still #1 at Linden Bay Romance and just concluded a solid 3 week reign of terror on the MyBookstoreAndMore site’s top 10 list before disappearing into obscurity at 3am this morning. Enjoy!