Mistletoe Madness Blog Hop ~ CONTEST CLOSED

‘Tis the season for gift giving, and even at this late date I’m sure there are still a few folks out there who have yet to check everyone off their list. Here is the problem I have discovered–I keep finding, and buying, things for myself as well as for others. Oh, well. Anyway, while I’m shopping, I often turn to books for gifts for those on my list. Cookbooks for my friends. Non-fiction for my father. Romance for my mother, usually my own print books. A classic selection for the little ones on my list (being a New Yorker who has spent considerable time at the Plaza, Eloise at Christmastime is one of my favorite gifts for a child). >>THE CONTEST HAS CLOSED<< THE WINNER of my prize of a download of A Cowboy for Christmas is cait045 and has been contacted by email. THANK YOU TO ALL FOR COMMENTING AND HAPPY HOLIDAYS!! To enter to win my blog hop prize–a digital version of my ebook A COWBOY FOR CHRISTMAS, simply comment below, what is your favorite gift to give? The Fine Print: The Blog Hop will begin on Dec 14 and run to Dec 21, 2012. Winner for my […]

More Gifts for Writers…

Yesterday over at Confessions of a Romance Writer I gave a little insight into what I consider perfect gifts for the writers and shut-ins in your life. I posted that and then had to actually go out somewhere, which made me realize something. There were a few more things I needed to add to that original list. So here it is, part 2 of Gifts for the Writer, these for when we must leave our writing den and venture into the cold cruel world. Touch Gloves– I LOVE these things. I have no idea how or why they work–they feel and look just like plain old wool gloves–but the magic fingertips make it possible for me to swipe my iPad, and use the mouse on my laptop while wearing the gloves. This makes it much more comfortable to work while I’m waiting in the car with the engine and the heater off, which happens more than you can imagine. My gloves also happen to match my new writing sweater. Bonus! Power Converter– While we’re on the subject of working in the car…I live in fear of a dead battery on the iPad and the Mac and my cell. I haven’t […]

Decking the Halls: Christmas at my house

Here’s something you might not know about me–I used to get paid to decorate Christmas trees. Lots of them. Big ones (one that required a 20-foot ladder) and small ones. Real ones and fake ones. It sounds fun, but when you’re on your twentieth tree of the week and you still have your own waiting to be done at home, it gets old fast. What I can say is this, I learned a lot. Such as wired ribbon is your best friend and you can fill up a lot of space in a tree with some nice big bows. (Yes, we made our own bows. Cutting pliers and floral wire lived in my pocket back then.) Silk flowers worked well too, stuck into the branches. Items found in nature are just as good. I became very in tune with what was growing around the homes I was decorating–and even on the drive over. No Juniper, or Holly, or Cedar, or pine bough laden with cones was safe from me and my cutting pliers when I needed texture and filler to decorate with. A little greenery goes a long way. Tie an old stack of books with a bow and shove […]