The Great Condom Scavenger Hunt! -CLOSED-

I recently read a review for One Night With a Cowboy where the reviewer made this comment… “There was never any discussion of birth control or disease prevention during any of their romantic moments, despite the fact that they were virtual strangers.” Now I wrote the book so I know, there’s not only a mention of condom usage, there are multiple discussions about it, so that got my creative brain working and viola the Great Condom Scavenger Hunt was born!! Here are the rules–ย If you own or have access to a copy ofย ONE NIGHT WITH A COWBOY (Oklahoma Nights, Book 1), either print or eBook, go in and find any place I mention condoms. DO NOT POST THE ANSWERS HERE! That will just give them away to all your competition for the prize. Email the snippets to me at That’s Cat (at) CatJohnson (dot) net. Now, the eBook readers will have the clear advantage over the print book readers because they can run a word search, so to make it fair, I will count any entries listing 5 passages/sentences mentioning condoms by name. But kudos to you if you find all 14 because yes, there are FOURTEEN times I […]

Mistletoe Madness Blog Hop ~ CONTEST CLOSED

‘Tis the season for gift giving, and even at this late date I’m sure there are still a few folks out there who have yet to check everyone off their list. Here is the problem I have discovered–I keep finding, and buying, things for myself as well as for others. Oh, well. Anyway, while I’m shopping, I often turn to books for gifts for those on my list. Cookbooks for my friends. Non-fiction for my father. Romance for my mother, usually my own print books. A classic selection for the little ones on my list (being a New Yorker who has spent considerable time at the Plaza, Eloise at Christmastime is one of my favorite gifts for a child). >>THE CONTEST HAS CLOSED<< THE WINNER of my prize of a download of A Cowboy for Christmas is cait045 and has been contacted by email. THANK YOU TO ALL FOR COMMENTING AND HAPPY HOLIDAYS!! To enter to win my blog hop prize–a digital version of my ebook A COWBOY FOR CHRISTMAS, simply comment below, what is your favorite gift to give? The Fine Print: The Blog Hop will begin on Dec 14 and run to Dec 21, 2012. Winner for my […]

Men & Women of the Military Blog Hop

Update- The winner isย DarkBloodyVamp (@DarkBloodyVamp).   An entire blog hop dedicated to books about hot men (and women) in uniform? Oh, yeah, I got this! It seems I’m a wee bit addicted to writing about military men. They even creep into my cowboy books and I have quite a few heroes now who own both cowboy and combat boots. Mmm, mmm. The best of both worlds, wouldn’t you say? My characters span from elite Spec Ops to heroic Army infantrymen. There are officers, SNCOs and new recruits. Give me a pair of cammies and that sexy military haircut and it seems I’m happy. That’s why it’s no chore to write them, and why I have 3 military novels releasing before next March. MODEL SOLDIER (a Red, Hot & Blue novel) in December from Samhain. ONE NIGHT WITH A COWBOY from Kensington Brava in February–that one features one of those yummy cowboy/soldiers I mentioned. And then A PRINCE AMONG MEN (a Red, Hot & Blue novel) releases from Samhain in March. Lots to look forward to. And what fun promo I’ve been buying for the conventions I have booked for 2013. Anyone at RT in Kansas City in May or Authors […]