Cover Reveal: TWO TIMES AS HOT (Oklahoma Nights, Book 2)

  COMING in Trade Paperback and eBook from Kensington Brava SEPTEMBER 24th Paperback on preorder at Amazon TWO TIMES AS HOT (OKLAHOMA NIGHTS, BOOK 2) One Good Girl… After her sister snags a hot Oklahoma cowboy, Emma Hart figures it’s her turn to saddle up. And with two country boys pursuing her at once, she’s in for a wild ride… Two Sexy Guys… Lieutenant Colonel Logan Hunt can’t deny the heat between him and Emma is fierce. But Logan isn’t looking for anything serious…just a chance to blow off some steam. So why is he crazy jealous when he sees pro bull rider Jace Mills trying to charm Emma into bed? Winner Takes All… Logan knows he and Emma could have something special—and not just because she’s smokin’ hot.   Now he has to find a way to prove that even a no-strings-attached guy like him can stick around for the long haul… THE OKLAHOMA NIGHTS SERIES ONE NIGHT WITH A COWBOY (Oklahoma Nights, Book 1) Available Now TWO TIMES AS HOT (Oklahoma Nights, Book 2) Coming Sept 24, 2013 THREE WEEKS WITH A BULL RIDER (Oklahoma Nights, Book 3) Coming in 2014

One Night with a Cowboy Release Day Wrap-Up

It’s been a hell of a day! It started at 4am for me, when the release day To Do list woke me up. That’s when, over coffee and Twitter, I noticed release day had started as I slept, while the fine folks at Joseph’s Fine Foods held a countdown to midnight and my official book release. It’s been non-stop since! Here are a few of the exciting events of today. I discovered Barnes & Noble has a “Rough Cowboys” category, and look who the #1 best seller in it is! Rankings change hourly so I took a screenshot. I also found One Night with a Cowboy as the #8 Trending Nook Book on the site and the #2 in the Contemporary Romance/Cowboys category. Very exciting! But not quite as exciting as when the lovely Kim from Book Obsessed Chicks posted a picture of my book at a Long Island Barnes and Noble. That got me out of my house and in the car, headed for my own BN in Poughkeepsie, and lo and behold, look what I found! After creeping around upstairs in the romance shelves, trying to figure out how I was going to, should I find my book, […]

One Night With a Cowboy All New Excerpt

After being up on Amazon with a lonely grey box where my cover should have been, finally One Night With a Cowboy has a cover image on the pre-order page and NOW I can effectively ‘ho, um, I mean promote the book! Why start now, you ask? The book doesn’t release until February. Yes, I know, but I’ve gleaned some knowledge while worshipping the false god that is Amazon, but, like with all deities, the truth is always shrouded in mystery. Still, here is what I think might possibly be true… Preorder sales for a book are very (VERY) important. It’s the sales accumulated during preorder that can drive a book to the best seller lists, we think, possibly, because even though I’m trying to convince a friend a mine to work for Amazon and spy for me she hasn’t consented to do so yet so we’re all just guessing here. Here is another thing we’re guessing about…it was rumored that books with more Reader Ratings and Reviews, good or bad, get special treatment at Amazon as far as promotion. Things such as inclusion in emails, or the ‘recommended for you’ titles shown when you visit the site. I’ve heard […]