Unridden Excerpt 3

UNRIDDEN eBOOK AVAILABLE MAY 26th from Linden Bay and MBaM Excerpt PG17 “You wanna go over the notes we made in your book some more?” “No,” she answered Mustang simply, noticing Slade’s eyes rarely left her. Mustang ran a hand down her arm. “Why not? Because of what I said? I told you I don’t know what the hell I’m talking about when it comes to romance novels. Don’t listen to me.” She scowled. “No, you’re right. It stinks.” “It doesn’t stink. It just…” Jenna interrupted Mustang. “It doesn’t matter because even if I can come up with a better story idea and get it written before the deadline, you still said the sex sucks.” “You said the sex sucks?” Slade accused Mustang. Looking uncomfortable, Mustang turned to Slade. “I didn’t say that.” “But it’s what you meant.” Jenna pouted. “No, it wasn’t.” He shook his head. “It’s okay, Mustang, it’s true.” Jenna sighed again. “My sex scenes are boring.” “I wouldn’t say boring…” Mustang began. “No, it’s fine. That is exactly what one reviewer wrote. Boring.” Jenna snorted out a bitter laugh. Mustang ran a finger up and down her arm until she looked at him again. “Not boring. […]


UNRIDDEN Studs in Spurs Book 1 By Cat Johnson A contemporary cowboy mĂ©nage eBook available May 26th When country boys meet a city girl, everyone is in for a wild ride. Studs in Spurs, Book 1 Slade Bower and Mustang Jackson are living the high life on the professional bull-riding circuit. The prize money is big, the bulls are rank, and the women are willing. But something is missing. For Slade, waking up in a different city with a different woman each morning is holding less and less appeal. Even Mustang’s creative attempts to shake things up don’t help. Then along comes a big-city author who’s like nothing they’ve ever encountered. Something about her makes Slade sit up and take notice—and Mustang is always up for anything. Romance writer Jenna Block has a problem: her agent thinks a cowboy book will jump start her career. A born New Yorker, Jenna doesn’t do cowboys, not on paper, and definitely not in real life. Luckily for her there are two cowboys ready, willing and able to take her out of her comfort zone in every way that counts…and some ways she hadn’t counted on. Warning: This story contains two hot cowboys, one […]


My countdown to the release of UNRIDDEN on May 26th continues with another replay of one of my blog posts from the Linden Bay Romance MySpace Blog that I wrote back when Rough Stock released. Enjoy! Cat PROMOTION—the dirty little secret of being a writer that no one tells you until it is too late is that writing the book is not enough, getting it published is only the beginning. You can write the next Harry Potter, but if no one knows it exists, who’s going to buy it? Just like little old me, even publishing powerhouses like Nora Roberts and Stephanie Meyers have to hit the marketing trail to promote their books, the only difference being, while they are appearing on network talk shows or are the keynote speakers at national conventions, I am sitting at a table in the back of the Borders in Middletown, New York. I don’t have a press person. I don’t have a huge NY publisher pushing me. So sometimes, I have to think out of the box when it comes to promo. I’ve become known for my unique approach in promoting my military romances. At conventions and book signings you’ll see me wearing […]