November Calendar Veterans Day Desktop Wallpaper

In honor of Veterans Day and the release of our military intro priced 99 cent romance bundle UNIFORM DESIRES on November 11th, I’ve created some patriotic (and accidentally a tad bit phallic looking) desktop wallpaper for you to use and share. One version features a November calendar marked with all the important dates/holidays of the month and there is one without for those free spirits among you who don’t live by the calendar. Multiple sizes and fits for both widescreen and standard screens available below. With November Calendar 800 x 500 Widescreen 1024 X 640 Widescreen 1440 x 900 Widescreen 800 x 600 Standard Screen 1024 x 768 Standard Screen 1280 x 1040 Standard Screen NO Calendar  800 x 500 Widescreen 1024 X 640 Widescreen 1440 x 900 Widescreen 800 x 600 Standard Screen 1024 x 768 Standard Screen 1280 x 1040 Standard Screen