The EX-Files-The Newest RED Book is OUT!

As “Plain Jane” Dolan—what an ex once called her—makes her way through her little black book and the men from her past searching for the Mr. Right who got away, there’s another man who makes his way into her little black panties. She can’t deny he feels oh so right. Gorgeous and much too young Damian serves up both tongue-tantalizing cocktails and mind-boggling orgasms and Jane finds her post-date sexual encounters with the tempting bartender completely irresistible. But her soulmate is waiting and there are still more men from her past to re-date—or are there? Reader Advisory: Contains smoking hot sex with no strings–but with toys! EXCERPT: Damian hefted the rack full of dirty glasses onto the stainless counter. The guy they’d just hired as a dishwasher would take care of cleaning them in the morning. Damian’s shift had come to an end and thank God washing the dishes before he could leave was not part of it. Back out front, he headed for the door to lock up and was surprised to find he wasn’t alone. He stepped behind Jane where she stood fumbling in her bag by the restroom door. “Hey, there. I thought you’d gone home.” “I was […]

The ABCs of an Erotic Romance Writer

Ever wonder what all the acronyms and terms mean that we romance authors throw around? Here is a quick primer in the ABCs of Erotic Romance. ARC– Advanced Review Copy (sometimes Advanced Reader Copy). It’s a copy of the book given prior to release usually to book reviewers. HEA– Happily Ever After. Think fairy tales. It’s required by many of today’s romance publishers HFN– Happy For Now. The hero and heroine don’t have to declare their undying love and get married, but there is a promise that they are at least happy…for now. M/M – Male/Male gay-themed romance (or F/F would represent 2 women) M/F/M – a heterosexual threesome where the Male/Female/Male characters all have sex together however there is no direct same-sex sexual interaction between the men. M/M/F– a threesome where the Male/Male/Female character all have sex together during which the men also interact sexually with each other. GBLT – a genre in romance incorporating Gay/Bisexual/Lesbian/Transexual themes. BDSM – a genre in romance with Bondage and Discipline/Dominance and Submission/Sadism and Masochism elements. D/s or D/S  D usually stands for the dominant partner (or Dom/ dom) in the BDSM.  S (or s) usually stands for the submissive partner in BDSM Galley – […]