Tools of My Trade – Bonus Day! Pic Collage

It’s not because I’m procrastinating and this newest work in progress (WiP) is kicking my ass…much. It’s mostly because I discovered something new last night I love, love, LOVE! I wanted to throw together a quick header for my FB page because I was jealous of some of my fellow authors’ headers. I put away the MAC and booted up the 6 year old, slow as a slug PC (because my only copy of Photoshop lives on the PC). I watched the PC install updates to Windows XP for a solid hour or more, then didn’t have the energy left at 9PM to open Photoshop on it and create a header. And besides, Bunheads was on ABCFamily channel. So during the commercials of the show, I picked up the iPad and starting scrolling through the App Store, and lo and behold, look what I found!!! Pic Collage is fun, free and freaking amazing! I did the below header during a commercial break, I swear! It’s kind of like photoshop for first graders. You’re limited in the bells and whistles, but the basic functionality is there. I see myself using this to create digital vacation photo albums. Just set a fun […]

Teasing You with Some Tidbits

I’m at that point where I’m bogged down in the soggy middle of this work in progress. If I can get over the hump, the ending will fly, I’m sure, but until then each and every word feels like it has to be pulled out of me like a large headed child. So…let me tell you a little bit about this WiP in hopes that getting you excited about it will get me excited about it, because my little sidebar status meter, though helpful, just isn’t doing it for me right now. A good indication about what’s in a book is what research the author does to write it, so for FLANKED (Studs in Spurs, Book 5) I have looked into the following topics… Body Piercing (specifically nipple, clit & hood) Tattoos Marriage License Laws in various states in the US Centrifugal Force in bull riding Building a Tree Stand for deer hunting Shoulder injuries requiring surgery in bull riders Health insurance The sports medicine crew in the arena at bull rides So, does that give you some kind of hint as to what Garret James, the hottie pro bull rider from my Studs in Spurs series, might be up […]

One Stop Shopping ~ Get my free shorts compilation CAT SNIPS now!

Cat Snips A Short Story Anthology by Cat Johnson ADULTS ONLY Black Cat Lar has existed as a cat for a thousand years, with all the discomforts and indignities that go along with it. But when he’s adopted by Belinda and wakes up no longer a cat, but as a man and in her bed, can his curse finally be at an end? For more about the characters of Grace and Donna from Black Cat, look for Just Desserts by Cat Johnson. Friends With Benefits Meg thinks she’s getting the best of both worlds when she and her friend Jeff decide to start having sex with no strings attached, until Meg suddenly finds that, strings or not, she’s become attached to Jeff. The question is, does Jeff feel the same, or is there a new woman in his life? Fireworks The last thing Brad wants to do is attend leadership school over the 4th of July holiday. How could the Army think it was a good idea to schedule training in Georgia in July? When his roommate Joe suggests they go see the fireworks and they run into Mary Jo, Joe’s first love there, Brad soon realizes things are only […]