The Fine Art of Procrastination and French Cooking

As a testament to the fact I will do pretty much anything besides what I am supposed to be doing, today I read Julie Powell’s “The Julie/Julia Project” blog from 2002 and cooked two recipes out of my new cookbook, Mastering the Art of French Cooking by Julia Child. (To see the beginning of my new obsession click HERE) Yes, I should be working on Jack (Red Hot & Blue, Book 2) to submit to my editor so I can get a date and get my now out of print backlist back out there. Instead I made Quiche Lorraine for breakfast and Cream of Mushroom Soup for Dinner, with food shopping for ingredients wedged in the middle there. How did the recipes come out? Well I cheated on the quiche because 1) I had no lard to make fresh crust and 2) I did have a frozen piecrust. Aside from some over spillage onto the cookie sheet in the oven, it was very tasty. The soup was easier than I thought though I kind of had to cheat there too. I am SURE I had half & half in my hand in the foodstore. I know I put it in […]

Sex: Pushing the boundaries

The theory goes that everything cycles. I know this is true in fashion. I’m sad to admit I’ve lived long enough to see bell-bottom pants come and go twice now. Will romance go full circle as well? I remember stealing one of my mother’s Silhouette Romances when I was young. Reading and thinking it was so scandalous when the couple kissed and then “made light love before eating lunch”. Now as the pendulum swings further out than ever before, I wonder where we can possibly go next. As I monitor the best selling list on All Romance eBooks, I see themes that shock even me, and I write erotic romance for a living. What were not one but TWO of the best selling eBooks of 2008? Twincest. Books that feature love, and yes a sexual relationship between twins. Male twins, not that their sex matters since they are siblings having sex and that is where the shock value comes from in my opinion. Let me reiterate. Two of the ten best selling books of the entire year spanning all genres of romance featured twincest. Other recent best sellers? eBooks featuring multiple partners. Not just threesomes either but many men, three […]

Working Writers

I always learn so much from the authors I interview on the radio show that it amazes me. One thing I am still trying to internalize, something other writers have already achieved, is accepting other people’s opinions of what I do. I’ve said it before and I’m sure I’ll say it again, I love my job as a romance writer as much as I hate it. I love the creativity, the positive feedback, the freedom and the people I meet. I hate the negative feedback, the arbitrary nature of the biz and the judgment I often receive because what I write is not “important”. Hell, I know that I’m not penning great literature, but what I am writing is something that might just help the reader escape for a little while. If I make that reader laugh, or smile, or forget the laundry, or economy, or heartbreak of the real world then who cares if I haven’t written the next Oprah bookclub pick? I liken it to this… how many times can you watch Schindler’s List before you need a break from the drama with a little Mel Brooks? There is room in this world for both. I always feel […]